Apr 3, 2016


Making good choices. I'm like a moral police; I always tell students to make better choices and act properly. In return, myself is being observed by them. Children learn from adults. They would tell me I have made poor choices when I shouted at them or when I didn't do the right things I preach to them. They observe every single bit of adults' behaviours and learn from it.

Ola Bola. Not so much. It was Malaysia vs Macau. Macau is almost an amateur team, ranked lowly. Nevertheless, Malaysia couldn't put in a goal against the opponent. The fans were cheerful and eager to see Malaysia win. Alas, Harimau Malaysia lacking prowess. In the end, encouraging chants turned into blaming shouts...people threw in bottles to protest...fans shouting "FAM bangsat" to show disappointment...and in the end, the only saving grace for the whole night was all supporters stood up to sing Negaraku passionately. Within us, there's still silver lining in team Malaysia.

Play. Play is essential. After so many years trying to find an answer to what children need: it's play. Yet, parents want them to be all academic and academic and academic. If I can, I will let them play all the times. They will create marvels.