Dec 30, 2007

Where's is my baggage?

Is it exciting when travel overseas by plane, the first time? Yes, but not after you discover your baggage is missing at your destination. baggage is not arriving with me in Detroit Airport and I got no clothes to wear in this cold winter...wah, this sounds exciting. My baggage went travel by itself without my consent, what a naughty bag!

Now I'm waiting for its the moment, I have 1 long john, 1 sweater, 1 socks, 1 gloves, and luckily 2 jackets to withstand the cold weather.

Wah, then have to wear only those for the next 3 years in University of Michigan? Impossible have to go shopping tomorrow...

What to do now? just hope for the best! it will be back soon :)

My advise: Don't pack anything when go overseas so you won't lost your belongings; or best, don't go overseas by plane, bus is more comfortable than plane.

Oh, my 3 in 1 coffee also gone...

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