Oct 1, 2012

Keep calm and carry on?

There's one feeling that I hate the most.

Exhibit 1:
I ordered a laptop, then it's delivered while I wasn't around, so the UPS/Fedex guy put a note on door to say it would be delivered again the next day. I so want to get the laptop but there's no way to get it right at this moment! Just wait.

Exhibit 2:
My sister's phone broken, need to be sent in for warranty. But I'm not at home on weekdays and only can do it on coming weekend. I so want to send in the phone now and clear from my to do list! But I just can't do it at this moment! Annoying.

I'm a patience enough person I can stare at flower for one hour but this kind of "you can only wait and do nothing now" feeling just killing me...

Yeah, keep waiting and do nothing...

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