Dec 28, 2013


Nope, can't have holiday now...just trying to make the day holy. How? If you think the day is holy then it's holy. Imagination.

This morning, while driving, resenting I can't have the off days that I desire before starting new role in education, then I suddenly realized I had visited many places actually.

During school holiday last year before hectic TFM training and beginning of 2013 school year, went to Miri.
The caves are amazing breathtaking. Breathtaken for a while la, else die lo.

Then from Miri drove to Brunei day trip just for the sushi.

Then fully busy in school and every TFM event.

Until June holiday. Went to Phuket with family.

Then come school semester break. Went to Kuching.

Then until year end. Went to Bali.

Then while having convo in UUM, walked into Dannok, Thailand, mainly for the food and snacks. No surprise bombing.

Actually not bad at all.

Next one on list is to Universal Studios Singapore.
Why? Primarily to shout while riding roller coasters. I want roller coasting so much life could be much better.
Then it would be good to visit all neighboring countries using current passport. A great feat to be achieved.

How can I forgot I went to Taiwan in June holiday also...
STML short term memory loss...

For some people, journey is more important than destination. For some people, destination is more important.
For me, both are important, but money is more important! Also, a ritual I do while traveling is to try all kind of weird special bottled drinks not found in Malaysia. That's simply enjoyable.


  1. saya mau pergi roller coaster jugak!

  2. Replies
    1. Aiyah...too many places d...let me update

    2. This year wanna go where? Fast fast decide let me know so I can get ready. Haha...

    3. Btw, June to Taiwan, not August? Really STML... hahaha

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